Saturday, May 11, 2019

Experience of drama

                    Aadhi    ko     Manoram   Nitra

A drama is a act done by professional without any special effect or takes. Drama is a one take which is based on life story or any events. Drama has both emotional and intellectual impact on participated people and viewers coming to enjoy drama.

On 9th may our school took us to see a wonderful drama named "Aadhi ko Manoram Nitra" it was priced per person 150 rupees as we were in group this was the discounted price. The drama was educational based as in this drama we learned that why if a boy and a girl have a nice relationship and they share things they are in relation which is a wrong concept as they can be best friends and next thing we saw was that teenagers should not fall in love as love can disturb the studies and which is a very bad thing in the young age so teenagers should focus on the ways to improve the study and over come the various obstacles in their way but not to choose the partner they want to spend there life to as they are young  for this. As now a days teenagers have many friends form which some are bad where as some are good for them but they should know that they should not fall in any type of addiction through peer pressure they get from there friends like they may ask u to smoke but u should be able to say no because the addiction for every things cause various health related problems which empty the money of your family they have earned to make you a good and successful man in the future. It may also cause various conflict in your family. 

This was the things that i learned from the drama we watched in the hall and it was really amazing and i recommend every one to star seeing drama rather than the films which are made of fiction than to watch the live play.


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